Fancy my world

Minorque – Perle des baléares

Minorque – Perle des baléares

Minorca is one of the four inhabited Balearic Islands, this archipelago being located in the Mediterranean Sea. It is located in the northeast of Mallorca. Its name comes from the fact that it is smaller than the island of Mallorca. Its climax, The bull, is 358 m above sea level. The island has many megalithic stone monuments: navetes, taulas, and talajots. Rocky and windswept, the island is the most unspoiled in the archipelago. Menorca is recognized as a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.

Inhabitants - The Menorcans

Main cities: Mao - Ciutadella

Great arrival !

Travel near the window, as I like. No one in my line. Happiness ...


Two cosmonauts are waiting for us on landing. Control of the PCR test and the QR code of the completed online form. But OK ! It's quick because there is absolutely no one at the airport.


Like any decent month of April, one day you have sunny weather with 25 degrees and the next day you have gray, windy weather and you are wearing sweaters. The evenings are always cool, 12 degrees on average.


Airport exit: I am making inquiries, you have to take 2 buses to go to the residence that I have booked. I'll have to go through Mao. Knowing that the residence is located 15 minutes away and that there is a bus every hour, let's keep it simple, go for the taxi (16 euros). On the 3rd day, I rent a car, 70 euros full insurance included, for 7 days. Impeccable! I book online with Discover cars. On the other hand, disillusionment at the time of extending, they ask me for double price. I decline the offer. I can do the rest on foot or by hitchhiking.


-  Starbal Villa   -

Very beautiful villa with 8 bedrooms and 1 apartment.
Super welcome from Paloma the owner, person of incredible kindness. Mother of 2 young men who are studying at university in Edinburgh, Scotland. She keeps her villa admirably. Everything is very clean.
Strengths of the establishment

To visit


It is the prettiest town in Minorca. Its small squares and its maze of alleys are overflowing with charm. The old town is also classified as a historical monument. 

To do absolutely
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Mahon ou Mao

Capital of Minorca, it is a city that can boast of having one of the most beautiful natural harbors in the world. It has a multitude of shops, bars and even nightclubs.

To see in the old town
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North of the island


Small fishing village located north of Minorca. It has a traditional port and a large bay over 3 kilometers long. In addition, it is the only place on the island where you can taste the caldereta de langosta (a lobster stew), one of the typical dishes of Minorca (very expensive).

Cavalleria lighthouse

Perched on the most spectacular cliffs of the island, offering the best view of the north coast of the island. This rocky promontory is covered with low vegetation where goats an lambs graze.
The favorite of my trip. The overcast and threatening weather gave a tone and color to the landscapes just out of time. 
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Es Castell

Located in the east of the island of Minorca, Es Castell is a quaint fishing village. Renowned for sheltering the most beautiful port of the island with its colorful houses that dot the port, it is also in Es Castell that you will get the opportunity to admire the most beautiful sunrise in all of Spain. There you will find lots of small coves all around. 

Monuments to see
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Cami de Cavalls

Le chemin appelé Cami de Cavalls (camino de cavalleros) fait le tour de l’île soit 165 km de balade. Idéal pour les marcheurs entre dunes, sentiers. Possibilité de le faire à pied, à cheval ou en vtt. Il est découpé en 20 sections. Je l’ai utilisé pour faire les plages de Galdana, Macarilla et Macarilleta. Des vues spectaculaires.

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The Albufera d'Es Grau

The Albufera d'Es Grau is considered as one of the three most important wetlands in the Balearic Islands for its scenic and biological interest.

You will find there

Bars & Restos

Hip hip Hooray restaurants and bars are open! At least until 6 p.m. indoors, 10 p.m. on the terrace and then everyone at bedtime, there is a curfew. After 6 months in France where everything has been closed since the end of October, no big deal, I'm happy. Here are some addresses for which I had a crush.


I walk along the harbor and choose this bar at random. It seemed to me to have seen this name somewhere, perhaps on Tripadvisor ... I sit on the terrace facing the port. This gentleman embodies the sense of hospitality all by himself. We feel that he does his job for love and the pleasure of giving you a good time. The atmosphere is very relaxed and jovial. The locals are obviously regulars of the establishment. 4 English residents of the island engage in discussion with me. One of them, a painter, even painted the Lemon Bar and gave it to Juan José. The conversation is in full swing because you can imagine that the Lemon Bar has been classified since the very morning among the 50 best establishments in Spain. Juan José shows me around the bar, collector of bottles, he is delighted to show me his trophies.


Establishment with lounge area, restaurant and bar, all overlooking the sea. Relaxing atmosphere in front of a sunset. One slightly sour note on the value for money: the dishes are good but do not deserve such a price. For the rest, you will have a great time.


Nice menu and dishes worthy of a gastro. Good value for money. They have a terrace. The service is smooth and friendly. The real plus: if you hesitate between 2 dishes, no problem, they offer it in half portion.


The place where I have eaten the best on the island. The cuisine is really worthy of a gourmet restaurant and not expensive. The welcome and the service are perfect. An unforgettable moment !





Friend of a very good friend of mine Victoria, who lives in Madrid. She puts us in touch. On Telegram, we talk a lot about MInorca. She gives me some tips. We meet when I arrive for a drink at the port of Mahon. It matches. Great girl. 40-year-old American columnist who left Madrid in December to settle in MInorca. Comely, cool, cultured, simple and very lively, we see each other very often to share good food and cocktails.


Colorful character. She really makes me laugh. Dynamic, strong personality, creative, 55-year-old Lebanese who speaks 4 languages ​​(French, Arabic, English and Spanish). "J'adore". She manufactures curtains for hotel establishments, it is a supplier of Paloma besides. She also creates handbags.


Cultivated, interesting person with whom I get along well. We like to chat in the morning for breakfast. She will invite me one evening to a dinner with a couple of French neighbors and her friend Carmen.

Sylvain & Emilie

We meet in the labyrinth at Pedreres de S'Hostal. The situation was funny because I could see them scurrying around the maze looking for their dog lol. Their voices echoed in the ruins. I was attacking the descent to reach the labyrinth when I saw them right in the middle of the structure. From my point of view, the picture was just perfect. I surprised them by offering to take a picture of them. They thought they were alone ahaha and well no! Young couple visiting Minorca with Sylvain's mother. Emilie is Mauritian. Having lived some time in Mauritius, here we go to discuss this magnificent island. They will invite me a week later to have lunch in their house where I will taste an excellent homemade paella.

Juan Jose

Owner of the Lemon Bar in Es Castell. I mentioned him above in the Bar & Restaurants section.


While sipping my drink at Place des Horn in Ciutadella, I see one of my table neighbors get up and sit with her back against the wall 2 m from her table to smoke a cigarette. At the time, I tell myself this is really nice not to want to smoke his girlfriend. So she remains standing there, smoking her cigarette, then goes back to sit at her table. So far, well, nothing fancy. But now in Mao the same situation occurs. Sitting on the terrace of a cafe, I see my neighbor at the table performing the same ceremony. But this time, no wall, she remains there motionless on the edge of the terrace, smoking her cigarette. Ahhhhh ba there I must ask because I do not understand!?!? His girlfriend explains to me that this ritual is part of the restrictions of the Covid. Anyone can smoke but 2 m from a terrace AND without moving. What gives this: the person seated to drink his glass without mask, gets up, puts on his mask, leaves at 2m, takes off his mask and smokes without moving standing like an idiot. Then, once finished, put her mask back on, go back to her table, sit down and take off her mask. Hilarious!


I have never seen so many wildflowers. What a pleasure ! It reminded me of my childhood. Here I am amazed in front of a field of daisies and poppies. Who would've believed that ? Lol. The island is peppered with rosemary. There is absolutely everywhere. It remained wild, preserved from everything. A real favorite for their little mills scattered here and there, restored a few years ago to please our eyes. They no longer work but bring a real picturesque side to the place.
It is a beautiful and peaceful island where I made great encounters. I had come to Minorca in the event of settling there.
But… Everything is expensive. Accommodations are rented 3x the price in the summer. The owners do their job over 4 months and don't care if they don't rent the rest of the year. As a result, the supply of long-term real estate rentals is very low and expensive for what it is. The island is saturated in summer.
I will not settle there finally but my 2 weeks there were a real breath of fresh air. I have fabulous memories of it.
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Next destination: Madrid

Why Madrid? During an outing with Alisha, this one shows me a photo of a friend currently in Mexico, more precisely in Tulum. Destination that I had made 7 years ago and which has remained the most beautiful trip I have made. My heart is on fire, I can see myself already. I talk to my children who give me the green light. I look at the flights, all go through Madrid. Ohhh but would it finally be time to visit my friend Vic? She's been living there for 6 years and I haven't visited her yet. I talk to her about it. She jumps for joy. I book a flight only to Madrid.
Departure from Minorca. Flight with Iberia.
80 euros the ticket all luggage included.
Really cheap
No PCR test Minorca Madrid.
No form to fill out.
Easy !

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June 4, 2021 2:31 am

Génial ! J’adore.
Continue ma belle.

May 18, 2021 9:09 pm

Quel bel article, ca donne vraiment envie de s’y rendre en vacances 🙂 Merci Marge pour ces belles photos 🙂

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